featured image 124 Hacking a filter coffee machine

Read more in the post here and code on Gitlab .

Ian used a DigiSpark board with an ATTiny85. One of the GPIOs is connected to an optoisolator, whose output transistor is wired across the UI board’s “on” button.

I looked at the pictures and they looked very similar to my machine. I decided to take a look inside.

A friend pointed me at a blog post by Andy Bradford , where Andy recounts modifying his coffee machine, adding an ESP8266 and connecting it to his MQTT-based Home Assistant setup.

I’m lazy and wanted to be able to cause coffee to exist from upstairs in bed, without having to make a special trip down just to turn the machine on.

Ian Jackson has a Morphy Richards filter coffee machine. It made very good coffee. But the display and firmware were quite annoying.

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Source and Read More: https://blog.adafruit.com/2023/11/29/hacking-a-filter-coffee-machine/

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