RScan 6550D
RScan 6550D
RScan 6550D
RScan 6550D
  • January 4, 2023 6:40 am
  • China

RScan 6550D Dual View Multi-energy X-Ray Baggage Scanner

RScan 6550D Dual View Multi-energy X-Ray Baggage Scanner


1. Twin-channel detection system. Each system with one X-Ray generator and one set detector module
2. The object is scanned downward and lateral to get the best image no matter how it is placed
3. Twin-channel data acquisition and transmission technology to process and display the images from different angles scanning synchronically
4. High-resolution imaging with as high line-to-line resolution as Φ0.0787mm, Multi-energy, 1.58mm high-resolution detector, with the penetration in up to 43 mm thick steel plate
5. Four monitors display the twin-channel images at the same time (color, B & W respectively)
6. Drugs and explosives auto-detection(RS-DEI)
7. Hi-spot for image best contrast and HDA to alert dangerous items
8. Temperature and humidity monitoring
9. Modular design, self-diagnosis for key modules including an X-Ray generator, detection boards arraies, the light barrier, a special
keyboard, etc.
10. Convenient software and human-computer interaction with a special keyboard and mouse which supports, zoom & move


  • Tunnel Size:650mm (W) * 505mm (H)
  • Conveyor Speed:0.2 m/s
  • Max. Conveyor Load:200kg (evenly distributed)
  • System Noise:<65dB


  • Line Resolution:0.0787 mm Metal Wire (AWG40)
  • Penetration:43 mm Steel
  • Leakage:<2.0 μSv/H
  • Dose Per Inspection:<5.0 μSv
  • Image Resolution:1280x1024/24Bits
  • Film Safety: ISO 1600 guaranteed

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